Psion Series 5

My Thoughts...

Run, don't walk to your nearest retailer, and hand over the cash! You won't regret it... If you've been contemplating a Windows CE toy, don't bother - More expensive; Topples over when you use the pen; Less memory...

If you've currently got a Series 3 or 3a, drop it off at a Charity Shop on the way to get your Series 5... If you already have a Series 3c, it's probably down to personal choice... Do not even think about buying a new 3c - Would you buy a new 486...??? 


Additional Applications

After you've seen the light, you'll undoubtedly be wanting some additional applications. As a rough guide, here's what I have installed on my own Series5. Note that I actively avoid any shareware which insists on being registered to the serial number of the Psion - I flat refuse to even install these applications - As ever, it's your choice...


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Chess Chess. Nuff said...
English-German Dictionary Look, I work for a German Bank - OK...
EnRoute Route Planning
Monopoly A superb implementation of the great board game



Encrypt-It! Protect your private information from prying eyes
FreeCell The classic game of FreeCell
Golf5 A superb version of Homerun from the Series3
HTMLedit98 Create web pages on your psion
Mapper-GB Maps the whole of Great Britain - Many useful features, overlays, etc
Mapper-London Maps London - Many useful features, overlays, etc
Montana5 A highly addictive card game
PenPad A really useful pen-based jotter
Photo5 Like having CorelDraw on your Psion (well, almost...)
Plan5 Project Management software - MS Project compatible
Pscrawl Handwriting recognition - Very similar to PalmPilot
Psuucode UUencode & UUdecode email attachments & files
S5bank Manage all your finances - Quicken compatible
S5notes A very versatile jotter
S5task A more sophisticated To-Do list than the one found in Agenda
S5zip Zip & Unzip files directly on the Series 5
SeaStrike Battleships
Solitaire5 The classic game of patience
VacTrac5 Track vacations for all members of a team

Please register these (and other) shareware applications if you use them - The authors have put a huge amount of work into them, and should be encouraged to develop them for the benefit of the rest of us... Authors, feel free to verify that I have registered my use of the fruits of your labours - My conscience is clear...


Converti Very intuitive unit conversion utility
FrotzS5 Infocom adventure game interpreter
Messaging Suite Psion's Web Browser & Email client
pSameGame The most addictive puzzle I've ever played
PsiBio Biorythm generator
Vreader5 Reads text & compressed text files

With all these installed, you'll almost certainly be requiring a Compact Flash card.   I've tried a 16mb SanDisk and a 32Mb Viking, and the Viking is much faster...  I got mine from Shore Systems Ltd in California (excellent service & great prices - highly recommended).  Tell them I sent you.

PsiWin 2.1

Psion have just made PsiWin 2.1 available for download.  This is a must have, with many improvements over previous versions.


Copyright © 1997-1998 Adam Jackson
Last revision 4 Apr 1998