Updates and date

Rehosted NEW ALLIANCE site Updates after 06-04-08
News: Miliband shown up 13-02-08
Magna Carta Society research 30-12-07
Links page 30-12-07
News: EU 'democracy' hypocrisy 15-12-07
News: Betrayed by Brown 12-12-07
News: Brown won't trust the people 09-11-07
News: Clegg's 'Vision for Britain' 07-11-07
News: Huhne's 'Liberal Revolution' 07-11-07
News: Tory-federalist relationship 29-10-07
News: LibDems funk a referendum 28-10-07
News: Red lines or Maginot lines? - foreign policy lost 28-10-07
Brown 'euro-scepticism' examined 30-06-07
Motoring taxes proposed07-10-06
EU Constitution index 04-07-06
Renegotiation - it can't be done 04-01-06

This template compiled: 6 April 2008
Analysis may still be up to date even if no recent changes
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